- Willing, ready and able
- Wanted- Studio Ass.
- Text work (Johnny Depp rule)
- The artist will aim for a miracle
- Speechify Me
- This Time
- Tits n Ass
- Sad Dad Rock
- Tonight I sing only for you
- Personals I
- Thirteen types of danger
- Question(in)g the sciences, questioning religion
- Personals V (Ziggitz)
- Personals VI
- Personals IV (Soothing Mew)
- Grotto Fingerbang
- Looks too much like art I
- Personals III (Worm Heart)
- More Shit
- Our love is beautiful and mean
- Personals II
- Do you love me IV
- Kieth Urban Art II
- Intense pain is wordless
- I eat Brand X of dog food
- Get to France
- Demonic
- Black Florist Cake
- Bad Art
- (the Beatles worship) Satan
- Conviction
- (Submerging) Artist
- Art Theologian
- Cock n Balls
- Art Dickhead
- Another Boring Atheist
- Athena is Leaving Me
- Colonial Bastard
- Fuck and Run
- Cop Dad II
- Gom Zappologist
- Graphuck Artist
- Heavy Meta
- Earth Day
Jonathan McBurnie