- Skin the world and sell it
- Honesty and temptation (Venice)
- Fighting in the cane
- Outback crucifix
- Over at Heather's place the party had just started
- Bitter struggle
- Drawn to tragedy
- Your gods were here first
- Was it your fault, was it the fault of the land ,the fault of the geography
- Warhol Cowboy Elvis Zombie battles Kirby Kelly
- Wake up! There's been a slaughter here (La Hollandaise)
- Turning away
- That's where we differ
- The end and the beginning
- The gallery and two women and one man
- Nudist dressed as batgirl in the bush
- Minotaur, Saint Pail and Kirby Kelly
- Kirby Kelly vs. Superman
- Some confusion about who's to blame
- The fighter and the prostitute (gallery romance)
- The End and the Beginning II
Jonathan McBurnie